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GREENLY is generalizing the carbon footprint of SMEs and preparing a carbon neutral economy!
Studio, Sia Partners investment fund, has chosen GREENLY as its new investment project in a €2.5M pre-series A round.
GREENLY, a French start-up specializing in automated carbon tracking, is, for the first time, raising a significant amount of funding in France in the carbon footprint analysis software sector. For the startup, this is an opportunity to accelerate in B2B and to invest in artificial intelligence for decarbonization, while the market for carbon assessment of companies, and particularly SMEs, is exploding. Greenly counts among its hundred or so clients many digital, fast-growing companies such as Payfit, Swile, Konbini, Foodles, Bruce, Matera, Foodchéri, Outsight, Alma, etc., as well as industrial SMEs in the construction, textile, and automotive industries.
The global carbon accounting market could represent between 10 and 26 billion euros within five years, according to various estimates, while regulatory pressure in Europe and the United States continues to grow. The standards imposed on large groups, particularly in the transport and construction sectors, are gradually being passed on to suppliers, which is, in turn, making carbon reporting more widespread.
Created in summer 2019 by entrepreneurs Alexis Normand, Matthieu Vegreville and Arnaud Delubac, Greenly launched the first app on iOS and Android to enable everyone to measure and reduce their ecological impact. They now want to become the leaders in corporate carbon footprint measuring, confident that this new standard will become widespread in Europe and the United States. The capital will allow them to expand their technical teams, recruit more carbon footprint experts, and build a sales team capable of marketing in France, Europe and the United States. Their objective is to increase the number of clients from a few hundred to several thousand.
Through this investment, Sia Partners sees several high-value synergies in line with the firm's Consulting 4.0 strategy.
GREENLY will benefit from Sia Partners’ network of 2,000 consultants around the world to work on three areas: developing its service for banks with the sale of their API (a collaboration launched last spring), developing distribution synergies with major accounts to accelerate carbon footprint calculating for VSEs/SMEs, and finally facilitating carbon analyses for major accounts (Green IT, carbon transition, responsible purchasing, CSR strategy ...).
Sia Partners consultants can choose to be certified by Greenly in order to better support their clients on these issues.
Studio is investing in the startup alongside other experienced scale-up entrepreneurs such as Alexandre Prot, CEO and co-founder of Qonto, Bertrand Jelensperger, founder of LaFourchette, and Thibault Lanthier, CEO of MonDocteur, but also alongside the French Partners fund and historical investors such as Cédric Hutchings, CEO of Outsight, Damien Balsan, founder of LoopPay and Mobeewave, Amélie Caudron, CEO of Invoxia, and Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, CEO and founder of Notus Technologies.