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Microgrids are emerging as an efficient solution to face the challenges of intermittent renewable energy integration to power grids and secure energy access even in the most isolated areas.
The microgrids market is experiencing fast growth at a global scale with a market size estimated at $ 37.6 billion in 2024 and expected to reach $87.8 billion by 2027. This shows that power grid operators have understood the role microgrids can play in the optimization and resilience of power grids.
Microgrids are electricity distribution systems containing interconnected loads and distributed energy resources that can be operated in a controlled and coordinated way. They can be operated independently as an island or in connection with the main grid. Microgrids improve the balance between local production and local consumption by optimizing the usage of its different energy resources (thermal sources, renewables sources, electric vehicles, storage systems…) to respond to the energy demand (at residential, commercial and industrial levels). Replacing the traditional microgrid approach, traditional microgrids are now becoming “smart microgrids” as they increasingly integrate the information and communication technologies of smart grids.
There are several use cases for microgrids including:
Microgrids can play a major role in the improvement of grid planning, coordination and control by system operators. The integration of microgrids coupled with energy modelling and forecasting software can be a key solution to enhance grid planning and operations coordination by using real-time and historical data to analyze power generation and demand response capacities within the grid. These features would enable transmission and distribution operators to track supply and demand balance nearly in real-time, minimize costs and maximize efficiency and profits.
Moreover, the flexibility brought by microgrids contributes to the main grid resilience and reliability. Building on existing resilience standards and metrics, coupling the main grid with multiple microgrids can improve the resilience of the overall system under unexpected situations such as demand peaks periods or natural disasters.
Microgrid solutions in response to main System Operator challenges
Given their decentralized and autonomous nature, microgrids can help in solving several current challenges faced by System Operators on a wide range of operations and activities. Heading to the future, these challenges range from basic operational needs such as grid sustainability, resilience and reliability to specific evolving objectives as the efficient integration of various sources of renewable energy and support for local energy independence in isolated areas.
Microgrids can also play a significant role in System Operators’ performance by helping them face their evolving technical challenges while making them benefit from innovative opportunities. By operating in both grid-connected and islanded modes, microgrids can ensure that power supply to critical loads is not interrupted even if the main grid fails thus improving the overall reliability of the grid. They can also improve the quality of delivered power and reduce outages or disruptions by improving voltage and flexibility control and enhancing grid operational flexibility. In addition to that, microgrids help reduce grid losses and overall operating costs, as generation sources are located relatively closer to end-users in comparison to traditional grids.
Grid Resilience Improvement
Voltage and Frequency Control
Peak Demand Management
Integration of Renewable Energy
Local Energy Independence
Unlock distributed energy resources
Demand Response Management
System Planning and Operation
Grid Resilience
Regulatory compliance
Microgrids represent major benefits for system operators. However, their efficient integration to existing grids is subject to some technical requirements:
In addition to these requirements, system operators need to tackle challenges related to:
Sia Partners analyzed more than 30 microgrids and identified best practices and innovative solutions necessary to the successful implementation of a microgrid project: