Canadian Hydrogen Observatory: Insights to fuel…
Articles, research and insights.
Article - 4 minutes read
CVA calculation: the Basel Committee is re-opening the discussion
The third Basel Accord, Basel III, is the latest in a line of regulations introduced by the Basel Committee for Banking Supervision (BCBS) to combat the misconduct in the financial system.
Article - 7 minutes read
Interview with Marine Boris - Head of Innovation & Partnerships at AXA x China Region
November 28th, 2016 | Hong Kong.
Article - 6 minutes read
Interview with Belinda Au - Chief Distribution and Marketing Officer at Sun Life
When it comes to distribution, insurers choose various strategies to stay ahead from the competition.
Article - 21 minutes read
Liquidity Risk Challenges faced by Chinese Banks
Liquidity risk management is a key factor in a bank’s ability to remain stable during economic downturns.
Article - 6 minutes read
RING-FENCING: The Challenges Facing UK Banks
What is the purpose of the new ring-fencing rules and what do they include?
Article - 3 minutes read
AI to optimize Compliance activities
In the context of increasing compliance challenges, AI and RegReview facilitate and accelerate regulatory monitoring and compliance.