Canadian Hydrogen Observatory: Insights to fuel…
Articles, research and insights.
Article - 5 minutes read
Economic Capital in the light of Basel II 2nd pillar requirements
Established by the Bank for International Settlement through the Basel committee on banking supervision, Basel II 2nd Pillar directives on Supervisory Review were designed primarily to make sure that banks estimate their equity needs as accurately as possible, taking into account their risk profile.
Article - 11 minutes read
The Biggest Cybersecurity Threats of 2017: The Need to Prepare
There has been a change in how companies across the globe do business.
Article - 4 minutes read
CVA calculation: the Basel Committee is re-opening the discussion
The third Basel Accord, Basel III, is the latest in a line of regulations introduced by the Basel Committee for Banking Supervision (BCBS) to combat the misconduct in the financial system.
Article - 7 minutes read
Interview with Marine Boris - Head of Innovation & Partnerships at AXA x China Region
November 28th, 2016 | Hong Kong.
Article - 6 minutes read
Interview with Belinda Au - Chief Distribution and Marketing Officer at Sun Life
When it comes to distribution, insurers choose various strategies to stay ahead from the competition.
Article - 21 minutes read
Liquidity Risk Challenges faced by Chinese Banks
Liquidity risk management is a key factor in a bank’s ability to remain stable during economic downturns.