Canadian Hydrogen Observatory: Insights to fuel…
Articles, research and insights.
Article - 1 minute read
Instituting Primary Delayed Compensation Amid Covid-19.
In order to shorten trade settlement, the Primary Delayed Compensation Protocol was approved by the LSTA Board of Directors in October 2018. The protocol went live on March 16, 2020.
Article - 5 minutes read
The COVID-19 Pandemic Breaks the Buck.
Due to economic crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Prime Money Market Funds (“PMMFs”) have seen large outflows while Government Money Market Funds (“GMMFs”) have seen strong inflows due their underlying assets being liquid government securities.
Article - 4 minutes read
5th edition of the french biomethane observatory
A comprehensive review of the biomethane sector in France
Article - 2 minutes read
Bank Secrecy Act & Anti-Money Laundering Manual Updates
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council released several updated sections and related examination procedures to the Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering Examination Manual that provide instructions to examiners when assessing the dequacy of a bank’s BSA/AML compliance program.
Article - 5 minutes read
Unprecedented: Oil & Gas in the Wake of COVID-19
April 20, 2020 was yet, another unprecedented day during unprecedented times. The WTI benchmark dropped below $0/bbl for the first time ever, closing at –$37.63 for May contracts.
Article - 8 minutes read
Cash Management in the context of Covid-19: focusing on what matters.
With the new pandemic, the world has changed faster in the past few days than any could have foreseen.