Canadian Hydrogen Observatory: Insights to fuel…
Articles, research and insights.
Article - 23 minutes read
Marc Wilson: "Be part of the process"
Sia Partners had the opportunity to interview Marc Wilson, co-founder of Appian and responsible for the company's Strategic Partnerships around the world. He shared with us his insights on Appian’s growth trajectory and on evolutions related to process automation and cutting-edge technologies
Article - 3 minutes read
LIBOR: In Search of Stability
A high-level overview of the situation with LIBOR today and where to go from here.
Article - 19 minutes read
Interview with Oded Karev, General Manager of NICE
In this interview, Oded Karev delivered his view on robotic process automation, AI, cognitive capabilities and the main transformations impacting the future of work.
Article - 6 minutes read
RPA Opportunity Heat-map for Utilities
Sia Partners addresses some of the essential steps that need to be addressed when getting start with RPA, especially in the utility sector. Particularly when it comes to select eligible processes for RPA projects.
Article - 10 minutes read
IoT and RPA: Connecting the physical world to the digital world
IoT and RPA are key levers of modernization in the Industry 4.0, which once combined, can open up many opportunities and represent an easy solution to link the physical world and the digital world
Article - 4 minutes read
Benchmark Regulation: challenges and impacts for Asset-Liability Management
The LIBOR scandal, and IBOR rates in general, highlighted interbank rate manipulation; the fix was based on rate declaration by a panel of banks. This article presents the possible outcomes.