Urban Air Mobility Observatory (UAM)
Articles, research and insights.
Article - 6 minutes read
The impact of renewables on transmission tariffs
The continued introduction of distributed generation will affect the electricity transported on the transmission grid. Sia Partners estimates that, in the coming four years, this will result in a loss of revenues for Elia of about EUR 60 million, compared to 2013.
Article - 8 minutes read
Demand Response : A study of its potential in Europe
According to the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E), Europe could lack up to 47 GW generation capacities by 2020. This significant figure reflects the tough economic conditions faced by power plant operators.
Article - 6 minutes read
FX Impact on Market Data Spend
Sia Partners Forecasts 10-13% Increase in Market and Reference Data Spend
Article - 10 minutes read
Market Data Management: An Identity Crisis
Balancing Cost-Savings and Long-Term Effectiveness to Harness the Full Potential of Market Data Services
Article - 11 minutes read
Market and Reference Data Management: A Maturing Art
Managing Market Data Resources: A Multi-Dimensional Challenge
Article - 4 minutes read
Impact of rising cost of uranium on electricity
As for many other commodities, prices of uranium are skyrocketing. 1000% is the total increase recorded for the last seven years. The pound reached 106 dollars at the end of 2007.