Cities’ Livability In the Age of Global…

Maria joined the firm’s Transportation, Manufacturing and Retail practice as a senior manager in 2011 after initially working in logistics operations and sustainability consulting and master degrees in Sorbonne University and ESCP Europe. Maria cultivated strong expertise in energy transition (biofuels, biomethane, electric, hydrogen) and zero emission mobility and logistics policies.
Progressively, she broadened her scope in Logistics and Mobility and developed business acumen in medium- and long-term modelling, business model analysis, EBITDA maximization and business process reengineering, as well as new ventures and business lines, product innovation and sizeable CAPEX projects and vast transformation programs.
In 2018, Maria started steering the firm’s Mobility working group with the goal of developing offers and expertise and strengthening client portfolios through French offices. Since 2021, Maria is in charge of Sia Partners’ Mobility & Logistics global team and leads the firm’s research and development as well as business development in this area.
In parallel, Maria collaborates with media and academics as a keynote speaker or a lecturer.