Urban Air Mobility Observatory (UAM)
On the back of extensive experience in process optimisation and transformation projects, Sia Partners has developed an expertise and robust methodologies to support you on your process automation journey.
RPA is a solution that responds to the ever-growing challenges a company faces today.
RPA offers a wide range of benefits, from faster processing, to improved data quality, etc.
RPA is a new lever of process transformation, which is less invasive and cheaper than alternatives.
RPA is a mature automation technology, that can work with any other technology.
Sia Partners business consultants can help you assess the automation potential of your processes through ideation workshops and business case analysis. Our expertise and packaged tools (criteria analysis matrix and heatmaps) will allow you to single out the right candidates for automation.
We supported one of our clients in identifying and qualifying processes which had the potential to be automated, through workshops with the various business teams in their Centre of Excellence.
Sia Partners business consultants can help you organize a bot’athon to help your staff learn about RPA technology, and generate ideas and prototypes of different types of automation that will benefit them and their organization.
We organised a bot bootcamp for one of our clients to brainstorm and prototype automation which would support their HR teams. This resulted in the implementation of automated processes which supported the teams in the long run.
Automation candidates need to be prioritized and precise planing is preferable in order for the organization to implement RPA. We can assist you in creating a process automation roadmap, as well as defining a long term strategy for your RPA capability.
We supported a client in prioritizing and scheduling the delivery of their automation projects, by looking at business teams needs, IT changes, developers availability, etc.
As an independent firm, Sia Partners is able to leverage its expertise regarding RFI and RFP management in order to support you throughout the RPA provider assessment and selection process.
One of our clients was in the preparatory phase of their automation journey and needed guidance to choose the best tools to automate their processes (RPA, BMP, APIs, etc.)
Following the first Proof of Concept and roadmap definition, Sia Partners will help you apply RPA throughout your prioritized process and business lines. By doing so, we will help you unlock the full potential and ROI of RPA while maintaining a strong control over automated activities.
We helped one of our clients deal with high volumes of unusual activity by deploying a number of robots to support them during the Covid-19 crisis.
As a business matures in their RPA journey, a Centre of Excellence will help build and maintain best practices, a vision and a strategy. Our experience in this domain allows us to provide you with guiding principles, to define a target robotic operating model and to help you scale.
We helped one of our clients to implement the foundation of the operating model, such as how to collect, qualify, and prioritize automation projects, how to manage communication, handle change management, etc.
Change management is key to a successful RPA implementation and must be anticipated throughout the RPA journey. Through a combined effort of our RPA and HR practices, we can provide assistance on change management planning, communication, and skills management.
Robots constitute a digital workforce, working alongside our client's teams. We’ve helped our client by making sure their business teams are aware of what it takes to work alongside robots.
Our RPA experts can provide small or large-scale skill transfer, depending on your specific needs (process identification, robot development, Robotic Operating Model definition, management, etc.), using our training structure, Sia Institute.
We’ve trained one of our clients' teams to monitor and maintain the robots we deployed in production.
In order to showcase benefits, secure stakeholder buy-in and identify potential pain points (technical, human…), Sia Partners has developed a robot development expertise that allows us to prototype RPA robots for use cases that specifically fit your needs.
Clinical Trials and in particular Phase II and Phase III generate a large number of patient visits and procedures, with a corresponding high volume of payments to Investigators. As one of the world’s largest CROs our client wanted to replace the manual, decentralised payments processes with a centralised automated system increasing efficiency and eliminating waste. Better data and governance would also help compliance with the Physician Payment Sunshine Act.
This programme drew on expertise from a variety of business and IT teams covering such disparate areas as contract negotiation (covering contractual aspects of automated payments), Clinical Trail Managers right up to AR and AP functions in the Finance teams. Agreeing and implementing the new processes while at the same time ensuring business as usual continued to make payments required a high level of co-ordination across the programme organisation.
We established a strong steering and governance structure representing all business areas which impacted and quickly brought a focus to the benefits and associated changes required. These changes were owned and driven from the business under the overall co-ordination of the programme plan. In parallel we established a technology initiative to develop and implement changes to the systems and interfaces to support the business. This workstream included both internal and external software providers and again required a high degree of co-ordination.
Having established the correct programme strategy and setup we executed a focused delivery plan, with iterative changes supported by training and communication to all those affected. As each iteration went live (new contracts or new invoice templates) we re-assessed progress against the benefits set out at the start of the project and adjusted our plans accordingly keeping Business and IT totally aligned throughout the execution phase.
The project delivered on schedule, resulting in a centralised Investigator Payment solution for the company with associated efficiencies. This “new way of doing business” continues to be developed and enhanced delivering ongoing efficiencies to the company.