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En décembre 2021, Sia Philadelphie, anciennement connu sous le nom de PPT Consulting, est devenu le dernier bureau à rejoindre le Sia Village. Nous croyons fermement que la clé d'un succès durable réside dans l'application d'une approche holistique intégrant les éléments des personnes, des processus et de la technologie. Nous avons fait nos preuves en matière de satisfaction des clients en facilitant les décisions, en conduisant le processus de transformation et en produisant des résultats.


Notre bureau de Philadelphie met l'accent sur la transformation numérique et commerciale au service d'un éventail de secteurs, notamment la santé, les sciences de la vie, les médias, la chimie, l'énergie, les biens de consommation et distribution et la fabrication. Nos clients vont des entreprises mondiales du Fortune 100 aux entreprises familiales locales et régionales. Notre capacité à étendre nos services et à apporter une valeur ajoutée à des entreprises de tailles et de secteurs aussi variés est le résultat direct de notre modèle opérationnel et de notre capacité à rester fidèles à notre devise "La passion de l'excellence".  En outre, nos leaders du marché local puisent dans l'expertise mondiale de Sia Partners pour exploiter des compétences fonctionnelles telles que le design thinking, l'expérience client, le développement de produits, la gestion des risques, la conformité, la cybersécurité, l'automatisation des processus robotiques et la science des données alimentée par l'IA


On peut retrouver notre équipe dynamique de consultants en train de collaborer sur des projets clients, de partager leur expertise et de soutenir des programmes locaux axés sur la technologie pour les jeunes défavorisés (par exemple, SIM Teen Tech Camp, ITWorks by TechImpact).


Les transformations qui ont un grand impact ne se font pas du jour au lendemain. Sia Partners répond aux besoins de ses clients aujourd'hui et demain grâce à son modèle de transformation concret. Un modèle qui n'est pas enveloppé dans le jargon de l'industrie mais construit sur une compréhension partagée de leur culture et de leurs besoins commerciaux uniques.  Grâce à cela, nous sommes en mesure d'accélérer notre impact sur les domaines d'amélioration clés tels que l'expérience client, l'acquisition/la rétention, le cycle des revenus, la gestion des coûts, le lancement de produits ou de services et la préparation des talents. 


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Our Services: What we can do for you

Your partner in strategic thinking and technical know-how, our team of senior experts will help you and your organization analyze, design and mobilize transformative initiatives that save you time, money – and headaches, allowing you to become competitive in your markets, be more innovative, and delight your customers. We challenge you to think differently, and in doing so, see opportunities and results you didn’t know were possible.

Where could we help you find a better way?

We are in the business of successfully enabling, creating and supporting change programmes, and the organisational transformation that comes with it. From readying your business culture for a change programme, to process analysis and redesign, continuous improvement programmes and focused Agile and scrum delivery methodologies, we ensure visibility, momentum, results and empowerment.

Where are your business challenges?

When your program or project needs structured delivery and rigorous attention to detail, you can trust our team of delivery and assurance experts to deliver on time, and within budget – every time. From large enterprise system migrations, and mergers and acquisitions, to saving your failing project, our methodologies and approach to governance (that won’t bind you in red tape) will steer your organization through to benefits realization and execution mode faster and more efficiently than anyone else.

Where does your organization need to start delivering?

There are many success stories in the field of Data Analytics.

Data, when treated as a real corporate asset, delivers improved business performance and competitive advantage across industries and business functions.

Successful implementation of Data Analytics capability takes more than hiring Data Scientists and procuring the latest software capability. Our multi-disciplinary team of Data Analysts joins strategic planning, data engineering, data science, and change management skills across multiple technology platforms that enable our customers to deliver tangible business outcomes through data analytics. Let us help you overcome your Data Analytics challenges.

What can I do with my data? 

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a software technology that allows computer software robots to perform the back-office tasks of a human worker. RPA robots are efficient, highly scalable, and available 24/7 to perform mundane repetitive tasks. By implementing RPA software, organizations can increase operational efficiency, improve employee productivity and flexibility, and realize increased cost savings.

Sia Partners assists companies throughout all stages of RPA projects, from the development of their automation strategy and vision to the deployment of their automation solutions.

Where Can Sia Partners Add Value?

  • Hybrid team of technical, industry, and functional specialists
  • Independent from vendors
  • Robust methodologies and experience in process mapping and business case development
  • Extensive track record in large-scale program deployment
  • Systematic process identification methodologies
  • Center of Excellence implementation
  • RPA Training

Utilities are faced with both increasing energy demands across the country, as well as the growing complexity in managing electricity systems. The transition towards smarter planning and operations helps solve the ‘Energy trilemma’ – affordability, energy security, and environmental sustainability. 

Sia Partners helps energy companies transition towards smarter operations by utilizing Data Science capabilities in solving complex network operations, network planning, customer services, and finance function challenges.

Where Can Sia Partners Add Value?

  • Excellence Centers in Europe and North America
  • AI-driven accelerators: algorithms, AI models and data sets stemming from our R&D activities to meet our clients' evolving challenges
  • Data Strategy and Governance: aligning the data office with commercial strategy
  • Data Science and IA: addressing the challenges of our customers by assisting with our Data Science experts and data accelerators
  • Data Visualization and BI: converge intelligence data and user experience to measure, manage and understand
  • Data Technologies and Implementation: implementing technologies to allow Data teams to deploy, execute and scale their models in production

We offer end-to-end support for the definition, implementation, evaluation, and improvement of your cybersecurity and resilience processes and systems. Our offer is divided into 6 pillars: Cyber Strategy, Cyber Risk, Cyber Compliance, Cyber Operations, Resilience and the Sia Cyber Institute.

Find out more about each of our offerings here

Composed of thinkers and makers, our agency manages projects through their entire life cycle, from design to implementation. We set ourselves apart with our innovative approach, combining data, creativity, and technology to serve our clients.

Find out more about our offerings here. 

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Find all of the latest news from Philadelphia on our Sia Partners LinkedIn page.

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Industry Reboot

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